So, you’re trying to figure out how to change some aspect of yourself. It may seem like a daunting task until you break it down into pieces. From someone who blows with the wind, here’s a little guide for those who seek change.
The first thing to figure out on this quest is the why. There will be difficult days, days where you feel like you just can’t or plainly do not want to. Without the “why,” these days may cause you to stray from the path. The importance of remaining motivated is truly immeasurable. Here are a few questions to ask yourself first and foremost:
What do you want to gain from this change?
Are you doing this for yourself or for others?
Do you have a support system?
Do you need a support system?
Goal setting before you start to make changes is a great way to set yourself up for success! A lot of people like to establish the why and then the how, but interjecting a little reward system in between those two steps may make you more dedicated to the process. Breaking this step down is very simple:
- What are your short and long-term goals?
- Make these realistic and measurable.
- This gives you foresight on your direction and helps you track your progress.
- How do you plan on rewarding yourself when you reach these goals?
- Celebrate while taking the journey, it keeps morale up and grounds you into the moment.
- Remember, you don’t need to spend money on rewards, it can be as simple as earning a gold star or getting to binge-watch your favorite series again.

Baby Steps
What are the major steps you feel need to be taken to reach your end goal(s)? Great, I am happy that you know what direction to head in! But, I am going to need you to break those steps down even further. We are baby-stepping this the whole way through.
For example, if you are trying to quit smoking try cutting the number of cigarettes
(this can also apply to blunts, vape cartridges, etc.) you smoke daily in half.
So, if you smoke 10 cigarettes a day, smoke 5 instead.
And then promise yourself to reduce it down to 3 within the next 2 weeks.
And then so on and so forth
Making small, gradual changes can make a world of difference. This method decreases the likelihood of you becoming frustrated and giving up. Baby steps are an effective method of keeping you from reverting back to the old pattern that you want to break.
And finally, patience is key. While you are on this journey I encourage you to strike a balance between optimism and realism. Changes take time, changes that do not completely upheave your life that is. You are going to have difficult days, you may even slip up a time or two. Extend yourself grace. Constantly take stock throughout the journey, celebrate yourself for even taking the initiative to make a change. You’re like a plant, with correct care, diligence, and patience you will bear the fruits of your labor.
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