telfar clemens, brandon blackwood, christopher john rogers

The Three Faces of The Next Decade

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I am writing this so that my words are marked down. I’ve already been saying it across the internet and in private conversations, but I need to archive it here. 

Fashion history is being made. The next ten years of fashion belong to Brandon Blackwood, Christopher John Rogers, and Telfar Clemens. They are historical figures actively building up their legacies, and I am very thankful to be witnessing, reporting, and monetarily supporting them in real-time. 

Telfar Clemens can go in any direction he so pleases with Telfar. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around all of the possibilities the acclaimed brand has laid out before them. A brand that has built a reciprocal relationship with its target audience, isn’t afraid to take risks time and time again, and stands proudly and firmly in its roots should never be doubted. We are at the epicenter of the cultural impact Telfar will have for decades to come. 

Christopher John Rogers. Know this name and know it well. CJR will be a household name. He will be a designer to study, a designer fashion enthusiasts are quizzed on to prove their knowledge. In a time where much of high fashion has creatively stagnated, younger names with legacy house-building potential have room to prosper. I know CJR will fill that spot, and I do not doubt that his designs will endure and inspire for decades to come. 

Brandon Blackwood has something for everybody. Everybody. After his Fall 2022 collection dropped, if you still don’t see it, you’re being willfully blind. Constantly pushing his own envelope and perfecting his taste, Brandon Blackwood has extended into outerwear, sunglasses, and has begun his foray into footwear. Once he gets his foothold in footwear, it’s truly over for y’all. Brandon Blackwood is building an empire that will touch and raise the bar in all accessory categories for decades to come.

These three men are truly daring designers whose creativity and craftsmanship are present in equal spades. I am happy that we live in a time when the media can’t sweep their accomplishments and impact under the rug.

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