Moving in Silence

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“Moving in silence” is a phrase often used across social media platforms. It is supposed to denote that someone is accomplishing personal goals that will help them elevate to their desired level. The phrase often gets criticized because announcing that you’re moving in silence… well isn’t moving silently. But let’s dive deeper into why making silent moves is key. 

Evil Eye

Anybody who has significant cultural ties or who has at least dabbled in the resurgence of spirituality has heard of the evil eye. The evil eye is projected onto you when someone looks at you with malicious intent. Specifically, the evil eye is said to be cast upon those who are successful and have accolades. The energies of envy and hatred are animating the sender’s wishes of another’s defeat. Varying cultures all around the world have been warding off the evil eye for centuries. 

In more recent years, the power of the evil eye has taken on new life due to social media. The pure exposure of having your face, your name, and your business all over the internet for anyone to see at any time can have people who you will never know project evil eye onto you. Social media’s relationship with influencers popularizing false notions and the bitterness and envy seeping out of the pores of comment sections is a post for another day

A point that is not often brought up is that the evil eye can be sent to accidentally. I know I know, “but Chanise how do you accidentally hate on someone?” Well, I have to ask, the last time you wanted to make a change, start something new, travel, or start a new job, who did you make sure not to tell so that your ambitions wouldn’t be squashed? Which loved one shoots down any of your potential self-development in so few words, but you live with it because it’s “just how they are, they’ve always been like that, it’s just tough love?” Be wary. 


To give an example, my family has no knowledge of this blog, my new major, or my plans to move. I also kept the opening of my Etsy shop a secret until directly asked about it. The active pursuit of my passions would seem frivolous to my grandmother and mother. I am now revolving most of my life decisions around actual passion and tangible joy, so in their eyes I am foolish. My not telling my family is a form of protection. Protecting my ideas, protecting my faith, protecting my confidence, protecting my peace.

I often take the roads no one in my family has before. Roads to a life that they deemed inaccessible. I live with an amount of freedom and reassurance that they’ve never had, especially not at my age. They want the best for me but all too often their definition of what’s best is stifling. The world that I see is bigger than theirs so when I make a decision that is out of their realm of understanding, they look at me as if I was a fool who is trying to do the impossible. This is an unintentional evil eye. This potent mixture of fear projecting, envy, and doubt can result in the evil eye attacking your self-confidence.

Think about a time where you were all excited about this thing that you want to do, you have planned it all out and weighed your options. Then you approach a loved one who dismisses, if not wholly ridicules you, shattering the beautiful idea that was molded and nurtured in your head. How did you feel? What happened to that idea? Have you felt confident to bring forth ideas ever since?


It is important to realize that even though somebody may wish the best for you, their doubt can hinder your growth. I know that some people see the doubters as motivating and that’s great that you can flip the situation in support of yourself. But if you’re like me and get discouraged when your aspirations get dumped on, move in silence. You do not need an audience of hecklers dissecting your every move. Allow yourself to grow and dream by keeping soft gazes upon your work while it’s being nurtured to its fullest capacity. Protect yourself, protect your dreams. 

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