self love, fail, fear, release, anxiety

Allow Yourself To Fail

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Failure and Self Love being in the same sentence may sound crazy at first. For example, consider all the projects you have not completed, or have not even started because of fear. The fear of being imperfect, having to start over, getting it wrong, or even laughed at deters millions of people every day. Consequently, being so worried about the outcome prevents you from appreciating the journey. Allow yourself to stumble and fall. Allow yourself to learn some lessons firsthand. 

Growth exists outside the confines of fear. 

I get it, I’m all about comfort and familiarity myself. But I am always fascinated by what I discover on the other side of anxiety and fear. Doors fly open, new opportunities, new insights, new people.

You can’t enter a new season of your life if you’re unbending in the face of change.

View this post as inspiration, as reassurance and encouragement. You are never the only person making life-altering decisions. You are not the only person learning a new hobby. You are not the only person entering a new career field. You are not the only person moving across the country.

Start somewhere. Be proud that you are brave enough to do something new. Don’t be your biggest critic. Don’t be your own obstacle.

Refuse to be guided by fear.

You only truly fail if you learn nothing along the way. 

chase joy Chanise

Allowing yourself to be wrong, allowing yourself to experience something for the first time is radical self-love. Enjoy your human experience by releasing your attachment to the outcome.

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